My name is Sean McCann, I am a biologist and amateur photographer. I wrote my thesis on Red-throated Caracara foraging biology, having spent 5 seasons in French Guiana studying these fascinating birds. I have also studied social wasp defensive behavior and have worked on mosquito reproductive ecology.
I live in Vancouver, BC. Unless otherwise noted, all photos copyright Sean McCann. Please contact me for permission to use them .
You can contact me at smccann27 at gmail.com
My photos on flickr can be found here.

Cool Iguanid (?)
Yep, that is a young Green Iguana.
What beautiful work you do. Thank you for sharing it~
Thanks! It is my pleasure.
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Interesting blog – thanks for sharing!
Great photogaphy: insightful, aesthetic and very informative
Pleasure having met you at the TEA meeting
Great to meet you too! We should definitely go out on an insect walk sometime!
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I stumbled on this blog while trying to identify what kind of spider nests these unusual things were alll over my moms front porch in alameda California. I browsed through several of your blog posts and wanted to say I enjoyed it and like your enthusiasm, love, respect, fascination and admiration for all the bugs and animals you photograph so beautifully. It makes me smile and I think ill continue to read it from time to time. Thanks for sharing. Ill certainly also learn quite a lot from it too. 🙂
Hi Kristen, thanks for the comment! I would love to see what kind of spiders you have found. Sorry I did not see your comment before, I must not have my email notifications set up properly!
So excited to find your site! Your insect photos are unreal. My 6yr old bug lover and I will have hours If enjoyment perusing your photos. 🙂
Thanks! Sorry it took me so long to reply, I have been having trouble with my email forwarding settings.
Hi Sean,
I found your photographs of Habrobracon hebetor and I am wondering if you could looks at my (not as good as yours) to see is it may be same species of insect. Thanks for the great photos!
Sure, I can have a look! I am sorry it took me so long to respond, I have not had the site emailing me consistently.
Latrodectus geometricus (brown spidow) landed very recently in New Caledonia. New Caledonia is a small island located about 2000 kilometers from Sydney. I am the publisher of a small newspaper. We dedicate an article on this spider to explain to the population how to detect it and to pay attention to it. Can I use one of your (fantastics) photos to illustrate the article. What are your conditions. I tell you that my natural language is French.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Etienne Dutailly