I wish I had a Weekend Expedition all shot and set up to show you, but the truth is I have been lying in bed all weekend, sick with a really bad cold. I attribute this to too much human contact at last week’s Bug Day!
Instead, here are some other, non-pinup, shots I took last week during fieldwork at Island View Beach.

A Tachinid fly waking up dewy at dawn.

Another view of Lycaena helloides, also called the Purplish Copper.

Termites in their tunnel.

A large cricket.

A female slender meadow katydid, Conocephalus fasciatus.

Wish they were all so colorful!

Sexual termite

An ichneumonid searching a flower

Ravens coming up the beach

This big peregrine falcon flew over Catherine’s head. This is a passage bird, a first-year bird on its first migration.

A male Giant House Spider on the prowl.

A female Wolf Spider under a log.

Here is what we were there to study: a male black widow, out walking the beach looking for a mate.