Sorry sorry sorry neglected blog! I apologize for the lack of blog posts over the past months. Catherine and I have been very busy, with a spider course in Arizona, ant work, many manuscripts to finish, and an impending move to Toronto. Catherine is going to be starting a PhD on widow spider behaviour this fall at UTSC, and I am heading out with her to try to ind some work or a postdoc there.
For now, I will just post some photos with some rambling about what we have been doing in the last few weeks. I will try to get more in depth on the spider course and associated activities soon!

Catherine at the Spider Course in Arizona. This was an awesome 2 week trip for us, and a real education in spider ID!

The spider course was held in the Chiricahua mountains, an absolutely gorgeous area that has a lot to offer the naturalist.

Off course, the spider course brought us to a great area or spiders…Here is a huntsman. Be prepared for many cool species when Catherine gets around to posting about them!

After our return from the spider course, we made a trip to Island View Beach to stock up on black widows or Catherine’s PhD research.

It was a gorgeous day for collecting, and the coastal dunes were doing their best to tell us not to leave!

A garter snake from Island View. We will look forward to a more diverse snake fauna in southern Ontario.

In the past few weeks, as we organized our gear for the move, we had some balcony visitors, including this juvenile Cooper’s Hawk. Right above our door!

The hummingbirds are still here, right outside the door…In Ontario, we will have but a single species, and only for part of the year 🙁
Keep up the great photos coming let me know if you make it back to the west coast
Will do!