Yesterday was my birthday, and after wandering around town for a bit, Catherine, Jeff and I went down to Fisherman’s Wharf to check out the gulls and seals. This is a good place to go to see the harbour fauna, as folks feed the seals, and there are often sea ducks of various kinds hanging around.
We are now headed back to Vancouver, to face dreary skies and a large amount of work.

Action on the wharf as a kid tosses herring to the seals.

Harbour Seal, doing its seal thing in the harbour.

Blue sky reflecting on water makes a great background for thr gulls.

Gulls are another of my favourite birds, loud, opportunistic and graceful, they seem to be a real jack-of-all-trades kind of seabird.

The local domestic fauna. Watch out for this guy in the springtime, as he gets a little crazy.