This weekend I was busy with science outreach at the Science Rendezvous, where I gave a talk on caracara predation behaviour. I only got the chance for a short outing around the lab, and a quick visit to Hastings Park on Sunday before some heavy rain started. I did manage to return with some modest prizes, including some heron fishing footage.

A Mayfly in the headwaters of Stony Creek behind SFU.

This Mayfly lived much less than a day, before the water striders got it.

Julie Wray of the Elle Lab waits to deliver fresh science at the Science Rendezvous.

Believe it or not, this is a Neuropteran, family Coniopterygidae. They are often called Dustywings.

Found this under some plywood behind the Insectary Annex at SFU.

Totem Pole covered in algae, Hastings Park.

A Great Blue Heron fishes in Hastings Park
Below is the Heron Fishing video. Watch it in HD if you can, and see this impressive bird on goldfish patrol!