Well, we have been working hard for 9 days with the Photron SA-5, and this weekend was mostly busy as well. I managed to get some time out to take some photos amongst all the high speed madness. Most of these shots were taken during 6 minute downloading breaks with the camera, and I also snuck in a quick trip to the local community garden.

Culiseta incidens, probing my finger.

tanking up!

Graphocephala fenahi, the rhododendron leafhopper.

A beautiful syrphid bumblebee mimic, Eristalis flavipes.

A flower longhorn in the community garden.

A western yellowjacket delves under bark for prey.
OK, you have made it to the end of the photos. Did I ever mention that I am part American? The following 2 videos were shot at a whopping 10,000 frames per second.