Uplands Park, a favourite place of mine to take pictures.
This weekend, Catherine and I came over to Victoria to celebrate my birthday in Victoria with my family. As a present, we went in a flight in a Cessna 172 with my brother, who is a pilot with the Victoria Flying club and a photographer as well. This was Catherine’s first flight in a small plane (although she has been in a helicopter), so we gave her the grand tour of Victoria from the air.
Checking the fuel for water and debris.
Victoria on a hazy fall day. This is typical light for this time of year, and you can see the Olympic Mountains across the Juan de Fuca Strait. .
The Gorge Waterway.
My mom’s house, and where I grew up!
Clover point, where later in the day we attended a large protest against the pipeline.
Chain Islets, a good place to see breeding birds and resting seals.