A beautiful longhorn! Stictoleptura canadensis on Tansy at Iona Beach.
This weekend, to celebrate being done with my PhD defence, I made sure to get out on both Saturday and Sunday morning. I went somewhere close by, as it has been very hot and clear here in Vancouver and the shooting gets pretty bad pretty quickly. Thus,I went to Iona and McDonald Beaches in Richmond.

One of the biggest chalcidoids: Leucospis affinis (Leucosppidae). Check out those rear legs!

A green lacewing, missing its antennae.

A nice megachilid with a cool moustache.

This sphecid is covered in dew and looking cool in the morning.

A tachinid picking up the rays of the rising sun.

A tetragnathid eating prey. It looks like this one might have a mantispid larva attached to its abdomen, something I have never seen before in Vancouver.

Things are not going well for this tetragnathid either!

A pretty Ammophila against the sky.

Skippers are out in abundance, although I have not seen them ovipositing yet.

This and the next photo show the dramatic effect of the background light using the Monster Macro Rig.

The background is at a sweet spot to blur at f13.

And of course, with any morning walk on the beach, I found some Coelioxys!

A cluster of Ammophila against the sky.

A tiger moth carcass being stripped by Tetramorium ants (Pavement Ants). I have been seeing more and more of these!
Congratulations, Dr. McCann. You certainly are not resting on your laurels. Already back out in the field and doing it! Wonderful pix. 🙂
Thanks! I love being in the field, so it is good I chose this line of work!
Such gorgeous photos Sean! Congratulations on your defence 🙂
Thanks you!