Bombus vosnesenskii, probably the most common bumblebee in Vancouver.
Here are a series of images I shot during the course of a summer day in Vancouver. All are hymenopterans, which, in addition to being tasty, are of course the best insects out there.

A nest I uncovered of Myrmica specioides, a recent introduction on the West Coast.

A big Megachilid.

Myrmica rubra against the sky (bribed with a bit of honey).

I have always wanted to get a shot of one of these chrysidid beauties. I believe it is Pseudomalus auratus.

A gorgeous Philanthus beewolf, showing just how much they really do love flowers.

A queen and workers of Myrmica rubra, the European Fire Ant.

Myrmica rubra tending aphids, a few of which appear to be mummies.

Ammophila wasps at sunset, shot with the 300 mm lens.
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