Yesterday my brother and I got up to the airport to see if we could shoot some planes with his new (to him) 300 mm f4. We ended up photographing a much smaller bird: an Anna’s Hummingbird male! This little guy was pretty cooperative, as he was just perched on his favourite territorial lookout, so we had some good opportunity to mess around. Almost all these shots were taken in the shade of a cedar, so the light was not too dramatic, but nonetheless it was fun!

Very rarely, the little guy went into a sunny spot. The full glare of his gorget was a bit too much, so here it is only partially shining.
I love the one where he’s sticking his tongue out at you. A birder told me there are sky larks at the Victoria airport. Did you see any?
We are heading to the HCP ( tomorrow. Fingers crossed the rain will hold off and we will see some hummers.
Madame Beespeaker
There are definitely meadowlarks, but this time we didn’t see any. Later in the spring it is easy to see them.
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Hummers are the best and you guys nailed this one.
Thanks! Victoria is a great place to see this species all year long.