A fresh-looking syrphid cleans in preparation for flight.
Hello! Well, the Weekend Expedition has come and gone, and I did go out to take some shots for the Stanley Park Ecology Society‘s photo contest. It was not my best day out shooting, and all I can really say about that is that some days I am “on” and some days I am not. Yesterday I was definitely not “on”.
Going out and looking for a prize winning shot is hard! Nonetheless, I went out and did what I could do.
Below is a gallery of the candidate shots. Have a look and see what you think! Below the gallery is the selection of five images that I submitted to the contest, with extra commentary on why I chose them.
- Morning light on the coast Mountains as seen from Lost Lagoon.
- Three Northern Shovelers chill in Lost Lagoon.
- Male Northern Shoveler
- Song Sparrow
- Tipulid on Skunk Cabbage
- Tipulid on Skunk Cabbage
- Spider (Metellina?)
- Male Spider (Metellina?)
- Male Spider (Metellina?)
- Jackie Chan not on board
- Prey Captured!
- Hard light, not so nice for crows..
- Hard light, not so nice for crows..
- Hard light, not so nice for crows..
- Disjointed, but good for my collection
- Mallard Fight!
- Mallard Fight!
- Golden-crowned Sparrow
- Song Sparrow
- Tailless Reflection
- Syrphid
- Douglas Squirrel
- Common Merganser
- Common Merganser
The final five:

Syrphid: I chose this because the isolation of the detailed subject makes for a powerful image. The colours are nice as well!

Mallard Fight! I chose to submit this because it conveys the aggression and action of these common ducks.

Dung Fly: Again, an isolated subject and a colourful frame.

This Song Sparrow knows where it’s at. Chosen because it is nicely detailed and has a “spring feel”

Tailless Reflection: I chose this because I like the distorted reflection. I am not too keen on the light water below, but it is OK nonetheless.