The past week has been rather hectic, with a flood forcing Catherine and I from our home, paper revisions made and further plans for Honduran fieldwork underway. I did not get a chance to post these shots I took from our time on the Island, where I spent part of Sunday morning out shooting in the dry grasses of Beacon Hill Park.

I saw lots of moth eggs on the dry grasses.

Now is the time to find sclerotia of ergot (Claviceps spp.) which contains chemicals studied by Albert Hofmann (from which he synthesized LSD-25).

This sleepy robber fly was not as sleepy as I thought, and flew off after this shot.

The skipper was more accommodating.

A peacock stalks the Garry Oak meadow.

Coelioxys rufitarsus hanging from grass in the dawn light.

I tried a couple wider shots with the 18-55 on 11 mm of extension (around 24 mm focal length). This is something I would like to try more of…