Ogden Point is a great place to see otters, as there is abundant food, as well as crevices between the big stone blocks forming the breakwater where they have dens. My brother got an even better shot!
Yesterday’s great post by Chris Buddle over at Expiscor highlighted the importance of natural history and the people who practice it. I have generally considered myself a naturalist, but the last few weeks have not been very active for me, as I have been engaged in a lot of writing. Luckily, I scheduled a few hours yesterday morning to go out to Ogden Point and Beacon Hill Park to do some nature photography and keep my naturalist cred!

At this time of year, a Sanderling is not an unusual sight.

Divers are also attracted to Ogden Point, as the water is clear, and the dropoff encourages lots of life.

Over at Beacon Hill Park, the herons are working on their nests.

A RIng-necked Duck looking elegant in the duck pond.

A mallard looking weird in a tree.

In BC, the Gray Squirrel is considered an exotic pest, but it seems unlikely they will go away soon.

Did I mention it was spring in Victoria? The weather has been beautiful, and the flowers are out!

Indian Plum is one of the earliest flowering trees in the forests here.