This Weekend Expedition was a bit rushed, as things were both busy and tiring for me, with the Spooktacular on Saturday, followed by a 5 h bout of Barn Owl tracking all night on Saturday-Sunday. As I slept in til nearly noon, and had a vehicle, I took Catherine out to Lynn Canyon, in her fabled homeland of North Vancouver. The place was absolutely crawling with people, as are most natural areas on the North Shore are on nice weekend days. A major infestation! For this reason, Catherine and I stuck to the woods high above the river.

Although it was a nice dry, sunny day, the understory was still quite wet and teeming with fungal life,

Fungi, such as this Ramaria added colour to the forest floor.

Even the crevices we examined for spiders seemed to be full of fungus.

Most of the spiders we found were small Linyphiids or Araneids, but we did encounters some larger Amaurobiids, such as this pretty one. I really love the silky look of their abdomens.

We even found a Jumping Bristletail on an old cedar trunk.

We say several large slugs, but not much else in the way of arthropods except for some stray, sunning Leptoglossus and fungus gnats.

Despite the crowds, getting out to the woods was good for us, as recently life has felt rather hectic.
Nice Expedition!
Just dropped by for a dose of buggy greenness…much needed after shoveling our first substantial snowfall.