A fresh-looking syrphid cleans in preparation for flight.
Hello! Well, the Weekend Expedition has come and gone, and I did go out to take some shots for the Stanley Park Ecology Society‘s photo contest. It was not my best day out shooting, and all I can really say about that is that some days I am “on” and some days I am not. Yesterday I was definitely not “on”.
Going out and looking for a prize winning shot is hard! Nonetheless, I went out and did what I could do.
Below is a gallery of the candidate shots. Have a look and see what you think! Below the gallery is the selection of five images that I submitted to the contest, with extra commentary on why I chose them.
- Morning light on the coast Mountains as seen from Lost Lagoon.
- Three Northern Shovelers chill in Lost Lagoon.
- Male Northern Shoveler
- Song Sparrow
- Tipulid on Skunk Cabbage
- Tipulid on Skunk Cabbage
- Spider (Metellina?)
- Male Spider (Metellina?)
- Male Spider (Metellina?)
- Jackie Chan not on board
- Prey Captured!
- Hard light, not so nice for crows..
- Hard light, not so nice for crows..
- Hard light, not so nice for crows..
- Disjointed, but good for my collection
- Mallard Fight!
- Mallard Fight!
- Golden-crowned Sparrow
- Song Sparrow
- Tailless Reflection
- Syrphid
- Douglas Squirrel
- Common Merganser
- Common Merganser
The final five:

Syrphid: I chose this because the isolation of the detailed subject makes for a powerful image. The colours are nice as well!

Mallard Fight! I chose to submit this because it conveys the aggression and action of these common ducks.

Dung Fly: Again, an isolated subject and a colourful frame.

This Song Sparrow knows where it’s at. Chosen because it is nicely detailed and has a “spring feel”

Tailless Reflection: I chose this because I like the distorted reflection. I am not too keen on the light water below, but it is OK nonetheless.
I like them and I agree with the ones you chose! I do like the raccoon one looking at whatever is floating by in the water. And when you enlarge the photos to look, they are ALL really fine.
The syrphid one chosen is lovely. He/she looks so happy, guess because its finally Spring! Maybe?