Seriously, I don’t get out much! The recent rainy weather has made photography and pretty well all other outdoor activity really unpleasant. In addition, it seems more and more work is piling up that requires my attention. Because we had a rare sunny break yesterday, I went out on the campus for an hour to see what I could see. And what I could see was soggy! The summer insects are gone, and seemingly the forest is once again the realm of water, fungi, dampness and decay.
Update: I read this line in a novel this morning: “In the distance… Simon Fraser University rose up on Burnaby Mountain, a cluster of grey-slab buildings, miserable and gloomy, saved from utter desolation by the surrounding patches of evergreen trees.”
From “A Thousand Bayonets” by Joel Mark Harris.
Seems appropriate!

Some nice Mycena.

Witches’ Butter! This is a weird basidiomycete that grows on woody debris (and sometimes bark).

This is not predation, but just photographic conjunction of an amaurobiid and a millipede.

The damsel bugs can be found through much of the fall.

Some kind of Coprinus.

Chicken-of-the-Woods! This is an older fruitbody, but I probably would have grabbed it when it was younger (if I got out more).

A hardy orbweaver sits in her tiny web.

I may not get out, but sometimes insects come in! This Western Conifer Seed Bug came into the lab. looking for an overwintering spot.
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