
My name is Sean McCann, I am a biologist and amateur photographer. I wrote my thesis on Red-throated Caracara foraging biology, having spent 5 seasons in French Guiana studying these fascinating birds. I have also studied social wasp defensive behavior and have worked on mosquito reproductive ecology.
I live in Vancouver, BC. Unless otherwise noted, all photos copyright Sean McCann. Please contact me for permission to use them .
You can contact me at smccann27 at gmail.com
My photos on flickr can be found here.

16 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: What the fly did with the pair of wings it lost « Why Evolution Is True

  2. Pingback: Getting High on Hallucinogenic Honey | Upvoted

  3. I stumbled on this blog while trying to identify what kind of spider nests these unusual things were alll over my moms front porch in alameda California. I browsed through several of your blog posts and wanted to say I enjoyed it and like your enthusiasm, love, respect, fascination and admiration for all the bugs and animals you photograph so beautifully. It makes me smile and I think ill continue to read it from time to time. Thanks for sharing. Ill certainly also learn quite a lot from it too. 🙂

    • Hi Kristen, thanks for the comment! I would love to see what kind of spiders you have found. Sorry I did not see your comment before, I must not have my email notifications set up properly!

  4. Hi Sean,

    I found your photographs of Habrobracon hebetor and I am wondering if you could looks at my (not as good as yours) to see is it may be same species of insect. Thanks for the great photos!

  5. Hello
    Latrodectus geometricus (brown spidow) landed very recently in New Caledonia. New Caledonia is a small island located about 2000 kilometers from Sydney. I am the publisher of a small newspaper. We dedicate an article on this spider to explain to the population how to detect it and to pay attention to it. Can I use one of your (fantastics) photos to illustrate the article. What are your conditions. I tell you that my natural language is French.

    Thank you in advance for your reply.

    Etienne Dutailly

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