Time flies! It seems like March is almost gone, and I have barely been out to enjoy the spring weather! Well, yesterday afternoon, I took advantage of a sunny spell to get out to Uplands park to see what I could see. And here is what I encountered!

Barely missing the cutoff, there were a bunch of March Flies (Bibionidae) out on the vegetation and forming mating swarms above the rocks.

Not ones to miss out on a spring fling, I interrupted a couple stragglers from a mating ball of garter snakes (leaving the female alone) to snap a few shots. When the snakes are out and hunting for love, you know it is springtime!

I just managed one shot of this bee while it was perched on an Indian Plum leaf.

This syrphid was feeding on Indian Plum as well, although a little slower than the bee.

There were a few spiders out, including this zebra jumper.