I thought it prudent to get a small video camera to document upcoming fieldwork, so that I can provide PR materials for granting agencies. For this purpose, I got a GoPro, a small “action cam” which has a watertight housing and super wide lens. To put it through its paces, Jeff, my brother and I took it down to Fisherman’s Wharf in Victoria for a close up look at the Harbour Seals. The following is the result.
Not bad eh? Given decent lighting, it does fine video. The still images from it in poor lighting are pretty noisy though, and it probably be best not to rely on it for still shots in the evening:

Nonetheless, it does have a certain gloomy charm.

With the SLR from the surface though, the seal image quality is much better.

The gulls were also looking fine against the reflection of the sky.

So the verdict. Seals and GoPros: a good combo!