Today I helped out with a Wild Research workshop on the BC Butterfly Atlas and citizen science at UBC Botanical Garden. Here are a few of the memorable pics.

not a butterfly! An Arctiid moth!

Painted Lady

Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui, Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)

A White-crowned Sparrow sings his heart out!

A Halictid, likely in the genus Agapostemon.

It gets exciting!

Mourning Cloak (Nympahlis antiopa, Nympahidae)

Did I ever mention we have European Fire Ants (Myrmica rubra) in Vancouver now?
I didn’t stay long enough to see the Swallowtail and Mourning Cloak…I guess it warmed up after I left?
Yep, it did, and there was a Lorquin’s Admiral as well, but it was not captured.