
Red-throated Caracaras in a Honduran pine forest!

So Catherine, Isidro Zuniga, and I finally got out to the field this past week, and ended up in a small hamlet outside of Gualaco. We were guests of some incredibly hardworking people, so we tried to work hard as well, cramming 54 kilometres of trail walking into just 3 days. We decided the best thing to do would be to do some walking, mapping and call playback to get the lay of the land, and to figure out where these birds might be.  We had informants everywhere, as the people are often working in the forest, tending cattle, cutting pine or maintaining small milpas on the hillsides.

At the end of our first long day of walking, we got a hot tip that we had missed seeing a group of caracaras by a couple of hours in the morning. The next day we headed out in the direction of the previous day’s sighting, and along the way got further info steering us to a valley just south of the town. We walked about a kilometer down the valley and did a call playback. Soon enough, we heard a distant group of caracaras to the southwest. Being unsure of whether it was a true reply or not, we scrambled up a large hill on the south side of the valley, and played back another call. Within a minute, three caracaras came screaming in within 20 metres of us, loudly contesting what they presumably perceived to be a territorial incursion.

I managed to get some good pictures and observations in, finding that these Ibycter americanus guatemalensis are not much different from the South American I. a. americanus, and their supposedly larger stature is not very evident in the field. The behaviour was identical to what we had seen in French Guiana, except that it was all occurring in a mid-elevation pine forest full of people, cattle and anthropogenic alterations. These three caracaras were later joined by at least two others, making this a group of 5 or more birds. In all likelihood, these are the same birds that reared a chick last year, although if that is the case, there should be 6 (assuming there has been no mortality or emigration).


The major revelation of this trip, however, came from the interviews we did on the fly with people out working in the forest. It seems, at least initially, that these birds have much larger territories than the ones in South America, and may cover distances of 6 km or more during daily foraging. Considering the difficulty of navigating the terrain (it is steep! see below!), It worries me quite a bit that our planned radio tracking project will be very difficult to carry out, at least from the perspective of distance. While we may not have the insanely thick vegetation and radio attenuation of the rainforest to deal with, the terrain is very rugged, and chasing these birds down over large distances is going to be physically very challenging…Not to mention, radio attenuates very steeply when it hits rock!


Enough griping! I will lay out the specifics of the work situation in a later post. For now, please enjoy these images of the extremely rare Red-throated Caracaras of Honduras!




Spider males must be subtle

widow male

Check out this new paper in Frontiers in Zoology.  describing experiments that show that male hobo and black widow spiders use low amplitude vibrations to court females and avoid sounding like prey. This paper was written by my labmates Samantha Vibert, Catherine Scott and Gerhard Gries, and congratulations are in order for pushing through a tough research project.

It seems that spiders are finally starting to get a lot more attention from behavioural studies, and they seem to strike a chord with the public too, especially when reporters refer to the spider movements as “twerking“.  Have a look at what Catherine has to say about this paper over at SpiderBytes.



Taiko: badder than we thought


It turns out that the 140 lb Rottweiler cross I have been living with on and off with for the past 5 years has a dirty little secret…He poos in my room sometimes, but only when he really has to go and only as a last resort. Nonetheless, it is a stinky terrible mess.

Well, a few days ago, he did the same thing, but afterwards he wasn’t getting any better. He started having bloody stools, so his owner Buffie (my roommate) took him to the vet today. The vet gave him an X-ray, and look what he found:


Yep, that is a bullet! Someone, sometime, shot this poor dog, and we have no idea who, where, or when. He is a total homebody, and only goes out in the backyard and on walks with Buffie. To me, it looks like a 9 mm round, fired from the front of the dog and above. It does not appear fragmented or mushroomed in any way, so either it was a jacketed round, or was not going very fast when it entered his body (perhaps a chance hit from a shot fired in the air?).


There is no obvious entry wound, and so it is a mystery when and where this happened. Buffie got the dog from the pound when he was 2 or 3, and he looked like he had a rough life, so maybe Taiko was some drug dealer’s guard dog or something…and got shot in the process, ending up on the street?

Anyway, the bullet is in soft tissue, and the vet did not think it needs to be removed, so there it will stay. The  digestive problems are unrelated and are being treated with antibiotics. They probably result from consuming some awful thing on the ground during a walk. Hopefully his stinky butt will get better soon. That enlarged intestine bodes no good for anyone nearby….


Taiko: international dog of mystery.

Ibycter 2013: a year of photos and blogging


2013 has been a great year for shooting as well as for getting my images out to people who are interested, via this blog! There are so many decent images to choose from, and I am a bit pressed for time right now, so I  will organize the pictures that stood out for me phylogenetically.



One of the beautiful Ammophila featured in Ibycter Illustrated. Photographing sleeping Hymenoptera at sunrise gave me a new appreciation for mixing ambient and flash.


I love the way the dew sparkles on this Lycaenid.


In 2013, I got to indulge myself with many opportunities to shoot Coelioxys, my favourite Megachilid.


Using flowers as colourful backdrops was something I explored in the gardens this year.


Not the best technically, but it was great to come upon this scene of predation between Laphria and Apis. Productive slacking indeed!


Another Laphria found on a window provided a good long photo session so I could explore lighting against the sky.


The end result of a syrphid rearing experiment! Feed your syrphid well!


Some time spent in Victoria in the spring was a good time to revise papers and look for beautiful snakeflies!

This was my favourite of the bunch, with the water droplets adding to the interest.

After this shot, I resolved to shoot more ants, but unfortunately I did not follow through. This was the best ant I shot all year.


I explored a bit of underwater photography with micro-aquaria, but could use some more practice.


I got to use the Monster Macro Rig to good effect in lush grasses, where it excels.


And more Coelioxys!



This was a great year for spider photography, and I shot many species, such as this uloborid, Hyptiotes gertschi.


Although I worked out a hypothetical method for better jumping spider photos, I never put it to use. I got some decent jumper pics nonetheless,


While exiled in Port Moody, we managed to witness some dramatic spider action.


Fieldwork at Island View Beach provided a good excuse to shoot black widows and other great animals.


I managed more than my fair share of crab spider shots, like this one during some time in the community garden.


This dramatic shot of a Woodlouse Hunter was a big hit.


Some of the studio shots I took of jumpers at Iona were also pretty dramatic. This Habronattus ophrys male was pretty on black.


Jumpers also stand out on white.


I found several long philodromids this year, which look elegant stretched out in their concealed mode.


Following a gravid Cellar Spider was a great lesson in spider reproduction.

Starting to harden up and recover movement.

This molting clack widow was a great treat to see.

(non-human) Vertebrates


Shooting seals underwater was a highlight late in the year, thanks to aquiring a GoPro.


Getting out to YVR with the Wildlife Control people was a really fun experience. This molting Peregrine tiercel was one of the better shots I ever got of a peregrine.


I indulged my crow photography habit more than a little in 2013


A family of raccoons provided entertainment and photo ops all through the year

duck for blog1

This snapshot of an injured duck led me into some community activism, and was ultimately used in newspapers and at council meetings.


I git some decent shots during feeding time for some barn swallows.


This eagle in a cottonwood highlights the gentle light you can get on a bright summer day under the shade of a tree.


Probably my favourite bird shot this year, this male Annas hummingbird was spectacular in the evening light.


A studio session with Jasmine the cat provided some ammunition in the war for equality.


These trumpeter swans emerging out of the clouds were also a favourite.


Sandhill Cranes up close are kinda crazy looking!


I lost my good friend and adventuring partner this year. Maggie was an awesome dog and I will miss her greatly.



I got out several times with Wild Research on birding trips. This shot of Paul Levsque channeling Steve Zissou was fun.


The most fun I had with people was some of the outreach we did bringing insects and spiders to kids.


Antonia with maggot art at the Halloween Spooktacular


Meeting Alex Wild and others at the ESC in Guelph was an unexpected boost.


Attending Alex Wild’s insect photography workshop with Mike Hrabar was a great way to start the conference.


Sometimes going out mushroom hunting with friends is the best cure for the fall blues.


Catherine Scott, my scientific collaborator and fellow member of Team Caracara has a great smile and killer stats insight.


Getting out and speaking up for what matters is important. This was shot at the “Stand Up For Science” rally in Vancouver.


OK, here are several more shots of kids with bugs. What could be more awesome?




People gathered together for Moth Night. A great way to spend a summer evening!



Doing Barn Owl work with Sofi was pretty fun. We managed to capture several owls.


A butterfly outing!

Tavi and Viorel

Tavi and Viorel


Antonia with a great stonefly!

Weekend Expedition 42: White Christmas in Vancouver?


A female harrier scarfs down her Christmas sparrow.

Vancouver is generally known for its green wintertime conditions, but sometimes we do get a bit of snow. We had a 10-15 cm dump on Friday morning, which made getting around a bit difficult. I was running errands on the weekend, but brought my camera out anyway, and managed a decent haul of bird pictures out in Delta.


A harrier on the hunt.


The birds were not the only ones hunting at Boundary Bay, as about 20 people were out on the mud blasting away at ducks with shotguns, It is more than a little ironic that the place is full of signs telling folks not to disturb wildlife, but shooting at them is A-OK.


Heron on the prowl for voles.


A nice little Red-tailed Hawk/



The eagle disapproves, as usual.


I was a bit shocked to see a live caterpillar moving along the snow, but I figure it may have been dislodged by a foraging bird.

A group of Golden Eagles hunting elk?


I am always a fan of raptors, and have a special place in my heart for social and predation behaviour. Here is a story that combines all three! In the latest issue of Journal of Raptor Research, a remarkable observation of a large group of Golden Eagles harassing elk on a steep ridge is reported (but paywalled).

Matt O’Connell and Michael Kochert witnessed and filmed the astonishing sight of at least 8 eagles repeatedly stooping at a group of elk, either trying to drive them off a cliff, or perhaps just playing around.

Golden Eagles are known to prey on ungulatessometimes by driving them off cliffs, but the authors are cautious at definitively stating the motivation of these birds. I would suggest that the hypothesis of play and that of predation are not mutually exclusive. I could certainly see a great selective advantage for these carnivorous birds to engage in “play” that sometimes results in the grisly death of a large ungulate.

If you would like to see the video, here it is below. What do you think?



Bergo, G. 1987. Eagles as predators on livestock and deer. Fauna Norvegica Series C, Cinclus10:95–102.

Deblinger, R.D. and A.W. Alldredge. 1996. Golden Eagle predation on pronghorns in Wyoming’s Great Divide Basin. Journal of Raptor Research 30:157–159.

Erwins, P.J. 1987. Golden Eagles attacking deer and sheep. Scottish Birds 14:209–210.

Zettergreen, B. 2006. Golden Eagle attacks and kills yearling mountain goat. Wildlife Afield3:27–28.


Epitaph for my friend Maggie

Maggie (6 of 6)

Today, very suddenly, I lost one of my best friends. Maggie had an accident while running around one of her favourite places, Mystic Vale in Victoria, falling suddenly from a height and dying nearly instantly.

Maggie was my mother’s dog, a golden retriever who I met for the first time in 2004. We quickly formed a strong bond, although I lived far away in Florida. Every time I would come home she would greet me with excitement, knowing that soon we would go adventuring together. Maggie loved the outdoors, and luckily enough, she lived in a great place where she could go running freely on outings with my mother once or twice a day.

We had some great fun exploring the wild lands around Victoria, swimming at the beach, or just curling up by the fire together after a long day. She was a great companion and a true friend.

I am completely devastated by her sudden passing, but there is consolation in knowing she died out there running around the forest, doing what she loved. Good bye my dear friend, I will miss you.

mag (2 of 6)

Mags out with my mom.

mag (5 of 6)

Maggie (2 of 6)

A young pup in 2004.

Maggie (5 of 6)

Atop Mt. Tolmie.

mag (6 of 6)

Maggie 2004-2013

Spider Monday: Exotic Spiders


Heteropoda venatoria, a large huntsman spider introduced from Asia. I shared my mosquito rearing rooms in Florida with these monsters, who presumably ate the large American Cockroaches (also introduced) who lived there.

Thanks to global trade and human movement, you no longer need to travel the world to see the world of spiders. There are many introduced and exotic species in our own backyards. In fact, some of the most common spiders we see every day in North America are introduced from elsewhere. This page on BugGuide, compiled by Beatriz Moisset, served as a great reference; there are more than 57 species listed.

I have to wonder what kind competitive effects these introduced predators have had on the native fauna. Some of them are by far the most numerous spiders in a given habitat, and they must have pushed out some of the native species.  As far as I know, this topic has received little study, although why that should be the case, I am not sure.

Anyway, here are some of the exotic spiders i have encountered over the years. I hope you enjoy them on this Spider Monday!


This is a Huntsman female I kept as a pet. My one attempt to get her a boyfriend ended badly, as he was quickly seized and devoured in a gruesome rejection scene.


Pholcus phalangioides, the Longbodied Cellar Spider is also probably introduced.


Philodromus dispar male. These dapper fellows must have a rough life, as many times I find them with missing legs.

Philodromus dispar female

The female Philodromus dispar are more conventionally attired.

The Giant House Spider, Tegenaria duellica (also referred to as T. gigantea), is one of the most common spiders in urban BC. If someone tells you they found this “really huge spider” 9 times out of 10 it is this!


The less boldly-marked congener, Tegenaria agrestis, is commonly called the Hobo Spider.


There are several therediids introduced to North America as well, perhaps none so notorious as the brown widow, Latrodectus geometricus. This spider gets a bad rap for being dangerous, but its only crime is to its spider brethren. They can be exceedingly abundant, and probably compete strongly with the native tangle web-weaving spiders.


They are extraordinarily fecund: all these egg sacs seem to have been laid by a single female. The brown widow egg sacs always have this shape reminiscent of an anti-shipping mine.


Even some of the jumping spiders are introduced. Here is Salticus scenicus, the so-called zebra jumper.

Menemerus bivittatus

In Florida, I encountered Menemerus bivittatus, the grey wall jumper.

sitticus fasciger

This is Sitticus fasciger, a jumping spider from Asia that seems to be spreading.

A Black Fly Day appeal


When I get bit by a black fly in the Vancouver area, I don’t swat, but rather shoot, as it is such a rare event!

Apparently it is Black Fly Day, not only in the US, but everywhere!

On this Black Fly Day, let us take a moment to think about those that are less blessed with Simuliidae, namely, us here in the Lower Wasteland of BC. We are in dire need of black fly specimens (among other things) in our teaching collections, so next season, if you go on a black fly murder rampage (and I know some of you will), consider preparing some of those flies to be sent out west to bolster our flagging back fly numbers. We had a total of three this fall for teaching Entomology, and I think the poor things didnt survive!

If you do get a chance to point a bunch, or if you have some extras lying around, please let me know and I will pass on the information to our new collections manager (when we get one).

Happy Black Fly Day!

It is lucky that Catherine is blogging now…

Otherwise I would have nothing to share with you! I am working on some real fine content myself, but it is taking longer than expected. So go over to SpiderBytes and check out a story on spider “bondage”:

Catherine Scott explores the usage of silk  “bridal veils” during spider sex 


Ancylometes bogotensis (Ctenidae). This is one species featured, with Catherine’s hand for a size reference.