
Practicing for wildlife photography with dogs!



Rapid focusing and composition takes practice. Getting good opportunities to hone these skills in rapidly-changing conditions is important, if you want to capture that awesome shot of, say, wolves bringing down a deer. I don’t have any wolves (or deer), but I do have Rex (a.k.a. the Rexaroo. my friend Bekka Brodie‘s dog). This fast little guy provides a great opportunity to practice these skills, and makes an engaging and photogenic subject in his own right. Check out the shots I got of him yesterday afternoon!


Rex makes a friend.


Rex tries a romantic maneuver.



A bit of a rebuff.


Here Rex seems to sense impending doom.


good intuition Rex!



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Here is a graceful pose during a rapid turn.


They were both super speedy!




Camas in bloom!


The camas is blooming, so it is the real deal…Springtime in Victoria, and the arthropods are becoming very abundant!


Phidippus, looking marvelous as usual!


Selatosomus edwardsi, a very elegant elaterid.


A cicada nymph! So cool to find a live one!

Of Gulls and GoPros



I have written about gulls before, and exploiting their love of potato-based baits to get close up photos, and I have written about using a GoPro. This time, I combine the two, for a 120 fps free-for all, slowed down to 1/4 speed for your edification.



Along the way, I also managed to snap a few other cool shots.


This is a still from the GoPro. Note the extreme distortion and the off yellowish cast.


And here is a shot from my Canon 60D.



A Pigeon Guillemot on a oddly pleasing background.


When the sea looks like this, it is almost like a woodcut.

The smelly world of the River Otter


In the life history of most mammals, olfaction plays an important role, especially for social interaction. Scents tell these animals the identity and sex of individuals, as well as the sexual receptivity of females. It is tough for us humans to appreciate the scent-filled lives of these animals, but the other day, Catherine and I got a first-hand demonstration. On Saturday, we watched a River Otter (Lontra canadensis) using scent to mark his territory. River Otters do not have exclusive territories, but rather overlapping ones, and have encounters with other otters frequently.


The male river otter at dawn, swimming westward around Clover Point in Victoria.



First he stops for some grooming.


Then, he checks previously laid down scent marks near the splash zone on the rocks.


Next, he does his thing, no doubt leaving a strong scent (otter poop is one of the smelliest poops, personal observation). The poop is called a “spraint” and is used as a type of scent mark. Urine also functions in signalling.


The otter smells further marks and rubs anal glands along the rock. Doing this deposits a “jelly”, which is another type of scent mark. He was also rubbing his neck on the substrate.


Further westward, he meets another otter scent marking. Some neck sniffing to start with.


Then it escalates.


Seems to be a standoff, with much vocalizing and baring of teeth.


A bit of a pursuit.


Some further vocalizing and tooth-baring.


Finally, one otter adopts what I think is a submissive posture, while the other continues examining scent marks. Shortly thereafter, the otters continue on their separate ways.













Farewell to March (fly)



Time flies! It seems like March is almost gone, and I have barely been out to enjoy the spring weather! Well, yesterday afternoon, I took advantage of a sunny spell to get out to Uplands park to see what I could see. And here is what I encountered!

Barely missing the cutoff, there were a bunch of March Flies (Bibionidae) out on the vegetation and forming mating swarms above the rocks.

Barely missing the cutoff, there were a bunch of March Flies (Bibionidae) out on the vegetation and forming mating swarms above the rocks.


Not ones to miss out on a spring fling, I interrupted a couple stragglers from a mating ball of garter snakes (leaving the female alone) to snap a few shots. When the snakes are out and hunting for love, you know it is springtime!






I just managed one shot of this bee while it was perched on an Indian Plum leaf.


This syrphid was feeding on Indian Plum as well, although a little slower than the bee.


There were a few spiders out, including this zebra jumper.




Spring cleaning?


On Friday, on our way to the airport and a meeting with a gorgeous hummingbird, my brother and I stopped quickly at Island View Beach to see what we could see. What we found was a huge number of the Western Thatching Ant, Formica obscuripes (thanks to Alex Wild for the ID!) emerging from their mound, engaged in foraging and perhaps a little spring cleaning. This colony was out in full force, quite different from  later in the season when the workers are travelling far and fast on foraging trips. All these workers out on top of the mound were truly an impressive sight.


En masse, they were gorgeous and impressive.


These ants uses “thatch” on the roof of their mounds, so many of them were dragging bits of dried grass stems to the top.


The only prey item I saw was this unfortunate noctuid caterpillar being dragged in for dismemberment. Does this mean there is already brood?



The mound from a distance. The black bit at the top are the ants!


The skies above were also worth noting, with these two eagles providing some exercise for my long-lens skills.


This is how you get a strained neck!

Keeping my naturalist cred!


Ogden Point is a great place to see otters, as there is abundant food, as well as crevices between the big stone blocks forming the breakwater where they have dens. My brother got an even better shot!

Yesterday’s great post by Chris Buddle over at Expiscor highlighted the importance of natural history and the people who practice it. I have generally considered myself a naturalist, but the last few weeks have not been very active for me, as I have been engaged in a lot of writing. Luckily, I scheduled a few hours yesterday morning to go out to Ogden Point and Beacon Hill Park to do some nature photography and keep my naturalist cred!


At this time of year, a Sanderling is not an unusual sight.


Divers are also attracted to Ogden Point, as the water is clear, and the dropoff encourages lots of life.


Over at Beacon Hill Park, the herons are working on their nests.




A RIng-necked Duck looking elegant in the duck pond.


A mallard looking weird in a tree.


In BC, the Gray Squirrel is considered an exotic pest, but it seems unlikely they will go away soon.


Did I mention it was spring in Victoria? The weather has been beautiful, and the flowers are out!


Indian Plum is one of the earliest flowering trees in the forests here.

The second Honduran outing


Catherine and I are holed up at my mother’s place in Victoria BC; We are both nursing terrible colds (I am on my 2nd!) and Catherine is trying to recover from a serious knee injury that she got in the field. We have been out of Honduras for over a week now and are taking the opportunity to finish up writing tasks that we were finding difficult to accomplish in conjunction with fieldwork. To tell you the truth, everything feels like a bit of a wreck right now, and I am struggling to summon up any real optimism or energy. I feel like I have been neglecting the blog and have not been able to even get out shooting in Victoria due to being ill. So in an effort to keep the blog rolling along, here is a selection of photos and commentary about some of the sights of the second field outing in Olancho.


Walking out into the forest in the early morning, the light is quite magical shining through the mist. All of the area we have been working in was exploited for timber, and as such has roads throughout. None of these roads was designed or engineered to last more than a couple years, so these are now mostly impassable to all 4-wheeled vehicles. They are still used by the locals as footpaths or perhaps for use on horseback or motorcycle.


A Roadside Hawk juvenile (ID by Pablo Camacho). 


Isidro on the lookout for other warbler species, The Yellow-cheeked Warbler is also reported from these forests.


A rancher moving some cattle to a new pasture. Almost all of these forested areas are extensively used for cattle ranching, and as such experience high levels of grazing and other disturbances, such as seasonal fires and erosion. There is also cultivation of coffee, bananas, sugarcane, corn, beans and other staples.


This orchid is the national flower of Honduras (according to Isidro)


Some puppies at a farmhouse


A large pig

From the skies above the Rockies


As mentioned in the previous post, and here at SpiderBytes, Catherine and I are temporarily leaving the field for rest,  recuperation, and riting (?) back in Canada. We had to make an emergency medical landing in Denver, so I purchased some internets to warn Antonia (who is picking us up) that we would be a few hours late, so here is a post from the skies north of Colorado.

When it became evident that we were leaving Honduras for the colder regions of the world, with surely far fewer active insects and spiders, I took the opportunity to do some last-minute shooting for both this blog and for Catherine’s. I had not been doing very much until then, as we were still getting used to the country and our work schedule. So the following is a small selection of insects and spiders found in our last few days in Gualaco, all found within 20 m of our apartment.  I found the shooting a bit difficult, not being in good practice, and worried about our project, but I did manage some adequate documentary shots. Coming up, I will discuss the second field trip and more about the caracaras and the problems facing them in Central America. Until then, enjoy these shots!


Looks like some kind of Wood Nymph.


This egg mass has an unwelcome visitor.


This is a Lyssomanes jumping spider, doing their freaky eye thing, where the eyes go from green to black. I am not sure what it is all about, but probably some kind of focusing.



I tried to get this “creamier”, but did not get the f-stop low enough. Illuminating the background sometimes makes the composition harder to control.




To me, this jumper definitely looks “tropical”


1st instar stinkers clustered around their eggs.

A strategic withdrawal from the field


The last fieldtrip north of Gualaco to map out caracara habitats had a couple of interesting effects on our planning. The first was that Catherine injured her knee from all the walking over rough terrain, and found that last weekend she could barely walk around the apartment. This is not an ideal condition for fieldwork, and will require at least several weeks to heal.

The second thing we realized is just how difficult the terrain will be for doing VHF tracking of caracaras for home range estimation. From our interviews with the local people, it would seem that the caracaras’ range is upward of 6 square kilometres at minimum, and hence our daily tracking success will depend heavily on luck rather than getting good early bearings on our tagged birds. In addition, the initial capture is expected to be much more difficult, because of how long we will need to wait at a capture site before having any hope of seeing caracaras nearby.

All of these factors have led us to re-plan the fieldwork, such that we will return to Canada for several weeks, and return in mid-to late March for the onset of the breeding season. This will also allow us to finish writing tasks that we have had much difficulty with here (there is no power for computing out where we work). In our absence, Isidro Zuniga will continue a biweekly field program of searching out other caracara groups, and marking their locations for later attention.

The caracaras here in Honduras are at severely reduced levels. Whereas once they were very common, they are now so scarce that most people have not ever seen one. By way of example, last week we walked 54 kilometres, this week 56 km, and encountered caracaras but once. Over a similar distance in French Guiana, I would have expected to encounter caracaras 15-20 times. The birds here seem to have much much greater home range sizes than those in French Guiana, perhaps because they are unconstrained by the territoriality of neighbouring groups, or maybe because the density of food (social wasps) is much lower here. Either way, it makes for some difficult realities for fieldwork. Getting sufficient sample size for home range estimation using VHF radio tracking will be extremely difficult, if not impossible. It will certainly not take place over the optimistic schedule I had budgeted for this work.

So when we return, we would like to have in place some further funding to secure an alternative tracking technology, such as GPS or satellite tags; with these at least we could be reasonably sure to get some usable data. We will also focus on the nest monitoring phase of the study, assuming we can find some active nests. This is also expected to be physically demanding work, but at least with nest cameras other fieldwork can be pursued simultaneously.

I will write another post about what we did see on the second field trip, but for now we must concentrate on getting ready to go. Don’t worry, this is not the end, it is only the beginning.
