Cannot resist these cranes! This one was calling.
The Weekend Expedition to Reifel Bird Sanctuary with Wild Research was a fun outing, made better by the good company and great weather. Highlights of the trip were a Great Horned Owl, Saw Whet Owl and American Bittern. Only the Bittern was a cooperative model. I tried a few low angle shots on feeding ducks, but did not have much time to work out the kinks. I think I will try to do more of this in the future, as it is an interesting and humorous perspective.
Below is a selection of the photos…Check out that lovely Bittern!
- Mike came along, and brought his 5D MkII and 16-35L!
- wake up lazy Great Horned Owl!
- This American Bittern was probably the highlight of the trip. Here it catches a stickleback.
- Cooper’s and Bald Eagle in the same thermal
- Song Sparrow
- Bald Eagle
- Love me some Bitterns!
- The shovelers were getting a bit aggro with each other.
- Lesser Scaup
- Wood Duck
- How the Woodies feed!
- more calling cranes!
- Paul in his natural habitat